
Skylar Tibbits

On-campus installation for MIT +150 Celebration Week, May 7-8, 2011
voltaDom: Live on MIT Campus

date: May 8th, 2011
location: Corridor between Building 56 and 66
video size: 58 seconds (2.7Mb)
format: QuickTime, 400x300 pixels
camera by: T. Nagakura

"voltaDom utilizes an innovative fabrication technique that creates complex double curved vaults through the simple rolling of a sheet of material" (the desiners' statement from the MIT + 150 pamphlet)

Skylar Tibbits holds SMArchS degree in Design and Computation from MIT, and currently serves as Lecturer of MIT's Department of Architecture.


SJET: voltaDom in Home page of Skylar Tibbits   

Time lapse video footage of VoltaDom construction on Vimeo