Brick Country House Simulation
This animation was created as part of Taro Narahara's SMArchS thesis at MIT Movie info: QuickTime, 2 minutes 30 seconds, 320x240 pixels (3.2Mb) |
Thesis Abstract"The Space Re-Actor : walking a synthetic man through architectural space" (June 2007).
Spatial qualities in architectural design cannot be fully evaluated solely by observing geometrical constructs without reference to inhabitants placed inside. However, imagining what happens to those inhabitants and appreciating their movement is difficult even for trained architects. This thesis proposes a computational method for visualizing animated human reactions to physical conditions that are described in a synthetic architectural model. Its goal is to add a sense of place to the geometry, and augment the representation of its spatial quality for designers and audience. |
Algorithmic Study Sequence
This animation was created as part of Taro Narahara's SMArchS thesis at MIT Movie info: QuickTime, 1 minutes 28 seconds, 320x240 pixels (1.9Mb)